Debbie is proud to present her latest show, “The Bright Side of The Road” at Pangea. She explores our journeys through life as we travel from dark to light, and the fun times in between. Is time ever really on our side?
Debbie Kane Raymar has been performing in various open mic, event, and cabaret venues in New York. She had a ball participating in this year’s “Winter Rhythms with Matthew Martin Ward and Friends.”
Most of all, she loves creating her own cabaret shows because, well, Cabaret is the best genre in which to tell any story you want, and for people to get to know you. And what fun it is! She has created her cabaret shows at Don’t Tell Mama, and at Pangea.
It is a unique experience to be in Debbie Kane Raymar’s presence. Not only is she an accomplished singer/performer, her background as an educator creates the character of a gentle teacher who guides and entertains us through the adventures of her life. She allows the lyrics and melody to communicate the song’s message with the assistance of her talented team. {}
© Pangea Restaurant and Bar / 178 2nd Ave, NYC, 10003 / 212-995-0900