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TYM MOSS, 7:00pm, cash cover
June 20 2021, 7:00 pm-8:30 pm
Tym Moss Live: Fun! Fabulous! Flamboyant!
You’ll Laugh! You’ll cry! You’ll sing along!
Tym Moss touches on every emotion in the telling of his life story through song. Taking familiar songs and reinterpreting them to give them new meaning.
Michael Musto says it’s “one of the best cabaret shows in town”
Nathan James of Huffington Post says “I was completely swept away!”
Kay Kudukis of Broadway World Palm Springs says “his range is ‘octavely’ off-the-charts with a tone so rich and creamy its almost decadent.”
$25 music cover CASH ONLY, $20 food/beverage minimum per person, proof of vaccination required