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Cabaret Room: SUE MATSUKI in “This Broad’s Way”, 7:00pm, cash cover
October 23 2021, 7:00 pm-8:15 pm
Sue Matsuki in “This Broard’s Way”
Saturdays. September 25, October 23 & November 20 from 7:00-8:15 pm EDT
Bistro, multi-MAC & Julie Wilson Award winner, Sue Matsuki presents her brand new show, “This Broad’s Way”. This is a program of all Broadway songs (Sue’s guilty pleasure) done her way or rather, their way…with amazing arrangements from long-time Music Director, Gregory Toroian.
These are songs Sue would never be cast to sing, songs sung totally out of context from the show, songs with a “new take” and other surprises all done “This Broad’s Way”!
Featuring: Gregory Toroian on piano, Skip Ward on bass and David Silliman on drums. Directed by Lina Koutrakos.
$25 music cover CASH ONLY, $20 food/beverage minimum per person, proof of vaccination and a photo ID required