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Cabaret Room: TULIS McCALL, presented by TWEED, 7:00pm, cash cover
October 3 2021, 7:00 pm-8:30 pm
An evening of standards, stories and surprises with acclaimed monologist, Tulis McCall.
Award-winning wit, wag, and piquant observer of life’s mysterious ways, Tulis McCall has lived long enough to have a fist full of opinions and life hacks to share with anyone within earshot. The hour glass is suspiciously full on the bottom, and McCall is looking through the nuggets drifting about on the top. Under the direction of Austin Pendleton, and accompanied by Paul Greenwood, McCall sets her sites on the greatest mystery of all: the conveyor belt of life and our place in the line-up, weaving stories and songs in a unique blend. Special guest Betsyann Faiella.
“A spectacular, witty, brilliant evening… Tulis speaks profoundly of aging but this is not just for women/people of a certain age. She will elicit big belly laughs and move you as well! Truly the best one woman show I’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing.” – Blythe Danner
“Tulis is a treasure, a glorious gift to the theatre.” – Dan Lauria
“This is the second time I’ve attended a show by monologist Tulis McCall. She’s no less angry, no less honest, no less acerbically funny.“ – Alix Cohen
$20 music cover CASH ONLY at the door, $20 food/beverage minimum per person, proof of vaccination and a photo ID required