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Cabaret Room: Pangea Cool Fall Nights Jazz Series JUDY WEXLER, 7:00pm, cash cover
October 6 2021, 7:00 pm-8:30 pm
Los Angeles based vocalist, Judy Wexler has been garnering rave reviews and fans across the country and around the world. She has recently released her 6th CD, “Back To The Garden” The album, which re-casts iconic songs from the 1960’s as jazz/pop anthems, has been receiving stellar reviews. The album is being played on WBGO and has charted on JazzWeek.
For her show at Pangea, Judy will be singing songs from her latest release along with music from her past recordings.
Judy will be performing with Jim Ridl on piano, Essiet Essiet on bass and Tim Horner on drums.
$25 music cover CASH ONLY, $25 food/beverage minimum per person, proof of vaccination and a photo ID required