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Cabaret Room: MARGY SEIDES, presented by TWEED, 7:00pm, cash cover
September 12 2021, 7:00 pm-8:30 pm
A hilarious look at survival, resilience and the old adage, “It ain’t over til the fat lady sings, and she ain’t at the mic yet.”
Margy Seides, psychotherapist, wellness coach and singer/comedienne, has been performing her one woman show for the past 11 years in New York, Philadelphia, and Washington DC where she appears regularly at the legendary Blues Alley. She has appeared in many private and corporate events and has been active in the fight agains AIDS, giving benefit performances in New York (GMHC), Philadelphia (ASIAC), and Washington DC (Food for Friends). Ms Seides was a 1997 Eugene O’Neil Cabaret Symposium Fellow, and a 2004 Yale Symposium Fellow. In 2008 she was chosen as one of seven participants across the country to participate in a week long performance workshop at the Perry-Mansfield Performing Arts Center in Steamboat Springs Colorado.
$20 music cover CASH ONLY at the door, $20 food/beverage minimum per person, proof of vaccination and a photo ID required