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Cabaret Room: BERGMAN & BLOUSTEIN, presented by TWEED, 7:00pm, cash cover
October 10 2021, 7:00 pm-8:30 pm
Natasha and Eli are confused. Despite their Jewish mothers’ consuming and pernicious insistence on their unrivalled brilliance, nothing ever seems to be going right! Driven by their compulsive search for quick fixes to their problems, the two 20-something artsy-types turn to Joe, a quick-talking sock-puppet conman (sorry, “therapist”) to deal with their obsessions with love, astrology, work ethic, self-perception… and meat. Flaunting their trademark “esprit de sadsack” (actual trademark pending), Bergman & Bloustein present 1-800-Things-Happen, their first full-length outing into the world of comedy cabaret. You’re invited to sit, drink, and empathize with the act those same Jewish mothers won’t stop calling “the Nichols and May of the avocado toast generation!”
“Funny … delightfully deadpan.” – bistroawards.com
$20 music cover CASH ONLY at the door, $20 food/beverage minimum per person, proof of vaccination and a photo ID required